October is Eye Injury Prevention Month

Eye injuries should be a major concern for everyone.  Some of these injuries can result in severe, irreversible damage - including permanent blindness - from accidents that could have been easily prevented if safety procedures would have been in place.

Protecting your eyes from injury is one of the most basic things you can do to keep your vision healthy throughout your life.  What is the easiest step to preventing 90% of these injuries? Proper protective eyewear!!  And yet only 35% of a survey wear this protection while doing home repairs or playing sports!

Some interesting facts - 

  • Men sustain eye injury more than wormen
  • Most eye injuries occur in the HOME - home repairs, yardwork, cleaning and cooking
  • More than 40% are due to sports or recreational activities
  • Eyes can be damaged by sun exposure, not just chemicals, dust or objects
  • This time of year illegally sold cosmetic contact lenses for costumes cause serious eye problems 

Ways to improve the risk of eye injuries in the home include -

  • Good lighting
  • Wearing proper safety glasses when doing yardwork, as rocks and sticks can become dangerous projectiles from mowers and trimmers
  • Keeping chemicals safely away where children cannot have contact - some can permanently destroy the surface of your eyes causing permanent blindness
  • Have at least one pair of ANSI - approved protective eyewear that can be worn by members of your household (ANSI is American National Standards Institute) - this eyewear can be purchased at any hardward type store
  • Wear proper protective sports eyewear

The doctors and staff of Ankeny Family Vision Center are ready to help if an eye injury should occur.  We prefer you wear proper protective eyewear but please call us any time of day or night if you should have an injury that is threatening.  We also have proper protective sports eyewear in the office for you to purchase for that young one you love as he or she plays their favorite sport. 

Come see us!  Save that precious eyesight!  Don't let an injury occur and have that protective eyewear be too late!

(Information taken from numerous websites.)

About Us

At Ankeny Family Vision Center you will find a caring team of professionals dedicated to providing high-quality personalized eye care for the whole family. We value our patient relationships and strive to improve your quality of life and vision wellness through uncompromised service and state-of-the-art technology.

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Services We Provide

Good Eye Care Begins With A Yearly Eye Exam!

Even a basic eye exam can instantly detect many health conditions.

Eye Health Evaluation

Years of experience in diagnosing and treating typical vision disorders such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, amblyopia, presbyopia, cataracts, and more.

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Dry Eye Evaluation

Various conditions such as eye infections, thyroid problems, diseases such as diabetes, Graves Disease, Sjogren’s Syndrome, and lupus have all been linked to “dry eye.”

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Macular Degeneration Evaluation

Macular Degeneration is an eye disease that destroys central vision through damage to the macula. It is the leading cause of blindness over the age of 60

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Glaucoma Evaluation

Glaucoma is an eye disorder that usually is associated with higher than normal pressure inside the eye, due to a decreased outflow of the liquid (aqueous) in the anterior chamber of the eye. This pressure causes damage to the optic nerve tissue.

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Educational Video Library

Our comprehensive video library encompasses an extensive array of topics related to eye health, including detailed explanations of various vision conditions, thorough overviews of optical procedures, and informative guides on routine eye examinations.


Lenses & Coatings

When it comes to vision care products, they are not all created equally! Across the eye care industry, there is a large variance in quality and craftsmanship. We take pride in using a wide range of top-quality materials with great product support to provide you with excellent eye care products.

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